Friday, May 1, 2020

Message from the Pleiadians - with Christine Day -

Christine Day shares her information about our shifting to a higher frequency very well. We are not yet into the thick of it but the Pleiadians says we are doing very well. The virus is creating an upheaval that was necessarily to go thought for our transformation. The VIRUS will create more chaos but it's our ego mind that wants to go back to our lives as it was before, but that is not going to happen. I love the way she explained our times. Evolution of enlightenment is our mission. Self resurrection. Wonderful. I love it when she said that at one moment the vials of our illusion reality will go. There is NO such thing as death!
We need to let go of the drama and instead connect to our heart. We need to build a stability around love and light on the planet.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Pineal Gland activation - open eye - visionary exercise

I created this movie 6 years ago and now it has come into its own. Through our rhythmic breathing, color, movement, words & sounds...and through the vibration of love, we are opening our third Eye - our multidimensional portal. We can use this visualization tool for integration our perceptions so our equilibrium increases, resulting in our synchronizing receptivity. Soon we will see through all the distortions of this lower timeline to be united in Unity Consciousness

Tuesday, April 28, 2020


Amazing film thanks so much for this wonderful contribution of goodness in service to life. A perfect film for the time of covid and the transition into a time of hopeful Life. If only more people would feel like these people in the movie. What we can imagine we can make real. Thanks for this uplifting and inspiring movie.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Largest false flag: the Corona Pandemic

Listen to this video. it's all coming out! this 'corona' the largest false flag operation ever! It has been 50 years in the making! Wow! how this man shows a map with links all found on the World Economic Forum. All about 5G and how to get rid of the poor and older population! Do yourself a favour if you are not yet convinced "It is easier to fool the people, then to convince the people they've been fooled"
Wake Up, people! This needs to go viral. Please share!

Sunday, April 26, 2020

What We Can Imagine We Can Make Real

I so loved hearing those two women talking about what it means to build a new world and how Magenta Pixie shares how some of us have been triggered by the word "pandemic" as our awakening code. Yes, that is truly been mine experience. I have now at this moment a strong need to awaken people during these times. I've written about it for years. What we can imagine we can make real!

Trump the Destroyer

Bruce Lipton has such an interesting take on Trump. The destroyer. Never looked at it that way but yes it makes a lot of sense.

Conspiracy Theories vs Common Sense

Interesting that Hubpages filed this article under the 'conspiracy theories' section. When I (on rare occasions) switch on the BBC, SA or some other major TV channels I can get, all they are regurgitating are conspiracy theories. I'm just stating what for me falls under "common sense".
I write this article just before we went on lock-down in SA.
It took me some time to create the many images for it.