Christine Day shares her information about our shifting to a higher frequency very well. We are not yet into the thick of it but the Pleiadians says we are doing very well. The virus is creating an upheaval that was necessarily to go thought for our transformation. The VIRUS will create more chaos but it's our ego mind that wants to go back to our lives as it was before, but that is not going to happen. I love the way she explained our times. Evolution of enlightenment is our mission. Self resurrection. Wonderful. I love it when she said that at one moment the vials of our illusion reality will go. There is NO such thing as death!
We need to let go of the drama and instead connect to our heart. We need to build a stability around love and light on the planet.
We need to let go of the drama and instead connect to our heart. We need to build a stability around love and light on the planet.