This morning when our WIFI was switched on and Robin handed me my cell ph, while I was still in bed this video appeared. It was send to me through Facebook message. I started to listen but twice into the video I was cut off to the point when Bruce was sharing his story about the keyboard of a I posted the link onto my timeline for me to listen further to this amazing conversation from my office computer. Please join me.
this is the comment I left under this video.
This is one of the most informative and impactful videos I've ever heard. What a wonderful Conversation.
70% of our subconscious is programmed by others. Our parents, education, media or government. Our conscious thinking is running that program and created our reality unless we reprogramme our subconscious mind. Wow!
Just Love this analogy of the DNA & our cells interfering with the genetic code and that addition of extra railroad track prolonging our lifespan! Wow!
The role of service. - seeing myself in you both was the most inspiring of all... I have been given a mission - and Bruce that message was what I needed to hear.
You are doing a great service to humanity. Heartiest thanks to both of you Sadhvi ji and Bruce Lipton.