Showing posts with label ascension. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ascension. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

It's about time that all our social media and network connections go underground.

How? Many will ask!
My reply would be: through the use of telepathy.

In the process of writing of the forthcoming novel: Parallel Realities, there was a need to form a basis for Tulanda's world where every citizen has the capability, at different levels, to share thoughts at any distance between people without external verbal communication.

The awakening to our ascension novels have always have the focus point of holding the image of a society where there is a form of unification, mentally and or through creativity.

Within our current mode of society and governance we have all kinds of codified hierarchies and insider/outsider distinctions. There is a division between the wealthy who more easily wield the tools of political power, and the disenfranchised poor who cannot afford lobbyists and do not generally have their views and needs well represented within our current political system.

As we all know, in this way, political power is often consolidated into the hands of the few, the affluent, and those families who have traditionally held political positions for the past centuries.

Tulanda's world is the opposite due to a psychic and spiritual unity of humans that subsequently informs and substantiates a leadership through teaching and living by example.

What We Can Imagine We Can Make Real

Is this new reality possible to achieve?

"Internal truth would shape and govern the external, rather than constrain the inner spirit by the tyranny of the external form and structure. ~ The Synthesis of Yoga
Is this possible? What would the implications be? How could this kind of self-knowing governance come about?
Lets look at our today's global reality most of us are aware of.
We have already entered into a global society where we can instantly connect with whomever we choose to, providing the other individual has an address in cyberspace. We can do this through several technical devices at our disposal. Now comes the crunch. Are our interactions with each other private? We all know that it's not. Whatever we say or text into cyberspace is open to the powers that be.
This is just one example:
"In Windows 7, any time you connect to a network, Windows tells you if you have full internet access or just a local network connection. It also knows if a WiFi access point requires in-browser authentication. How? It turns out, a service automatically requests a file from a Microsoft website every time you connect to any network, and the result of this attempt tells it whether the connection is successful. This feature is useful, but some may have privacy concerns with sending their IP address to Microsoft (which the site logs, according to documentation) every single time they connect to the internet. As it turns out, not only can you disable the service, you can even tell it to check your own server instead."
Has everybody got psychic abilities?
Everyone is psychic to some degree using the natural intuitive or sixth sense that is inherent in all of us.
Every human has the potential to be receptive to other energies and beings and we can all learn to communicate on different "wavelengths" because all humans are different. Psychic abilities will present themselves differently in each person. If spirit chooses to communicate then spirit will find a way that is acceptable and possible for that particular individual

After you have seen this video many people might be inspired to join me in the visualization of a new reality, where war, poverty, and sickness is no more.

Yes, there will be other challenges. The human soul has much to learn, but as long as the divine spirit chooses for the human soul to evolve, and if enough people WAKE UP to the dangers of falling for the powers in control by the wealthy who wield the tools of political power, our new world is waiting for us.
Nadine May

Sunday, December 6, 2009

How to re-access your Spiritual bank account of plenty?

So that you can manifest anything and everything?

All human beings have a Benevolent, Unlimited Spiritual bank account of plenty at their disposal

The word Benevolent means: “Having or showing a desire to promote the happiness and prosperity of others. Having a kindly disposition, through generosity and showing pleasure in doing good works.”

Every person who chooses to be born into this earthly reality has this energy 'bank' account of plenty. It's hidden in the particles of light that are all around us. These light particles are vibrating on a high frequency. They are experienced by us through the breath. During the golden age (long ago) when we inhaled our spiritual bank spiritual filled up, and when we exhaled, we shared our abundance with all. By creating harmonious sounds we could create anything and everything. There was no separation between humans, animals, plants or trees.We were at one with all God's creation.

What happened?

Many ages ago we were introduced to the fallen co-creators, from other systems, who came to live among us. We shared all we had with them. We didn't know what shadow thought forms were, and what they could do to our atmosphere of pure light. Gradually we intermixed and our overall frequency dropped. The few people who started to observe what happened kept themselves pure through their desire to promote happiness and prosperity for all, but they were greatly outnumbered. Over many ages forgetfulness about a golden age set in, until even those memories were gone. This caused a split in our atmosphere. Due to the drop in vibrations, energy layers were formed, separating our reality from higher vibration worlds. This sensation of being separate divided our awareness levels of consciousness. Today we call them our Left and Right thinking modes, or our logical (masculine) and our creative (feminine) consciousness.

We are now once again on the brink of a great global shift of the ages. We all have a free choice. Either we choose to experience once again a golden age type of reality, or we carry on in this type of reality. Having knowledge about the choice is very important. Knowing how this will first activate and then an awareness will set in about each person's individual soul purpose. Each will find their own individual way on how to be a light worker.

Are you choosing to experience spiritual abundance, or a material abundance?

Example: If people focus is on financial abundance, then there are many teachers out there from business coaches to corporate institutions aiming to interpret this 'spiritual' bank account. They do this by mostly by coming up with positive thinking methods. The movie The Secret is a good example. Many people have been emphasising this positive thinking technique, but has it worked?

Up to a point it does work, especially if a person is good at focusing on their projected goals. Their sheer one-track-mindedness will, up to a certain point, attract the lifestyles they aim for.We can work towards a goal with the best in mind. We can put every effort into making a project turn out just the way we want it to. But at a certain point we have to turn it over to the universe and just accept that we can’t control everything, and we wouldn’t want to! There are so many factors that can influence any situation. A project might not go well, but it could just as easily turn out better than we had planned.

The expression: 'turn it over to the universe' is an important one. This means different things to different people, but there is one element that unifies us all. LOVE is for free, and is always there in abundance. Love cannot ever run out, Love can never be sold, hired, or bought. LOVE can only attract love.

If our dreams, goals or wishes are in alignment with feelings of Love, joy, happiness and gratitude for what we already have, then they will more likely manifest.

If our dreams, goals or wishes hold the energy of Love, then that will uplift others in their lives,

If our daily focus inspires others as well as yourself, to keep aiming for a better life for all, then the forces of Love & light will realign you with your Spiritual bank account of plenty. Nothing can stop it from doing so.

LOVE has a lot to do the the vibrational rate of our individual consciousness. The more we shine our true light, the more particles of light each person will add to our atmosphere. Each individual can make a difference!

“My soul is important for me now, and I will live accordingly. I am happy, with harmony, peace and love in my heart. Everything is vibrating pure love and light. I will embody as many particles of light as I manage during my journey.'

These particles I call my very own Language of Light. I feel it, pulsating, and so be it.

With love and light

Tieneke de Beer

Can we break the death habit?

The belief that death is inevitable is the biggest lie bestowed on man.
Who was originally responsible for this lie is immaterial, but it is up to us to wipe it out. Our spirit is eternal and the philosophy of physical immortality gives our bodies a chance to remove this lie from our cellular memories. YES we can break the death habit. Many have done it. Babaji, Bhartriji, are a few examples. Physical death has been a popular belief for only 5000 years! While I was translating Annelies journal into her novel Vanishing Worlds, I learned how this belief in death was programmed into human body cells.

Eternal life is consciousness in motion. Love is the energy that can purify our energy field in order to once again experience Eternal life while having a physical incarnation. The scriptures call the human body the temple of god, but unfortunately, it seems that people love their false religions more than the living temple of god; they value their bad habits more than their bodies. Only by cleaning our energy field, that manifests our human temple, from this deadly tendencies and instead fill our minds with wholesome thoughts can we save ourselves.

The purpose of all religious scriptures was to teach us how death was created in human history, and how to get rid of it, but instead today they preach to aim for fulfillment outside the body, through death. They are selling death like the adverts on TV. Buy our product and you will never want to be without it.

How can we start cleaning our energy field in order to stop the death process?

Its very simple: by having the intent to do so. This intent has to accompany our thoughts practically every moment of the day, but... we all know that that might not be so easy.

Workbooks on clearing one's energy field.

There are a few workbooks that give us 'practical tools' to work with. Tieneke's creative drawing workbook The Language of Light accompanied with her pocket meditation book is an example. Also highly recommended are the following workbooks; A Course in Miracles, & Steps to Knowledge. These 3 workbooks have one thing in common. They help us to purify our energy field. Annelies' Our Body Codes of Light workbook also offers ways to stimulate our minds inwards into the very cellular consciousness where the body codes of light will activate our dormant DNA strands; where our ascension codes are stored.

The creative decoding exercises in Annelies workbook bring about a change of attitude to life, while at the same time revealing the science of everlasting life.

All the above workbooks teach us to be aware of enhancing the texture of the spaces around things. Through the power of LOVE generated through our heart, we can speed up the vibratory quality of all things. In turn these workbooks teach us how to generate and enhance the spaces between things so that every tiny molecule can begin to vibrate more joyfully.

To remove a 'belief' can only be achieved by activating an inner knowing about what is truth. Watching TV and reading about global warning, floods and tidal waves, pollution or topics surrounding violence does nothing to clean our energy field. It only sidetracks our mind away from our intent to ascend. To achieve mastery over death means to eliminate victimhood consciousness. Therefore be aware of our communication channels, they are polluted with negative energy.(See them as a 'virus' that can whipe away your data - files - information!)

Choose to spend most of your time in a healthy environment. Create people around you who practice spiritual purification. Live or work with others who also believe in physical immortality (if possible). Our reality is created by our mind; both our emotional and rational mind is controlled by our environment. We have the tendency to become like the people we spend time with!
Look at the people around us. Are their awareness levels stunting our growth? If so, find a way to stop that from happening with GRACE.
Many of us came to learn that lesson as being our last one to achieve, before we can move off the human game frame.

I managed to translate Annelies' journal into a story that deals with this very topic; positive and Negative relationships and how it can shape our lives.
