Tuesday, July 24, 2018

The Reality Shifters

My Latest Novel


Read the first 30 pages for FREE

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

New Anunnaki Documentary 2018 Are The Gods Still Here on Earth?

What a beautiful and interesting well-done video with lots of well balanced comprehended information to contemplate over. Remember its an interpretation of the origins of human beings, there are many variations, but here someone made a very creative moving slideshow. Loved watching this video.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Publishing Deadlines

We have made our deadline for the 18th of May with my new Novel The Reality Shifters. What a mission!
I do not think that any author has attempted to combine a sizzling romantic plot between twin-flames, a genetic decoding card making workshop, controversial dialogue which some would categorize as conspiracies, and original channeled messages I received about thirty years ago.
Only today at these End Times these messages have become very real for me and hopefully for my readers. Originally I was ahead of my time with this information, although I did try to convey them with the previous publications. Therefore P.O.W.A.H's information has stayed the same, but the characters have understood them the way I have done as the author.
For all ereaders
Click on the image below that will take you to Smash-words. or click here

Spiritual groups, especially in Facebook and other networks in cyberspace have united many Soul mates from all over the world. Thousands of people who are awakening and sharing their perceptions of our 3D reality has made a great impact and has enriched my own life I have included links of some individuals or groups where I'm a member of. T.E.R.C.E.S. created by Daniel Williams
Colin Joe Byrne An amazing individual Avalon Sol's Writings - admin by Tefnut Ua Raet El-Bey

Ever since the ebook technologies arrived both Robin and I tried to deal with the challenges formatting a proper typeset manuscript into ebooks, and over the years the opportunities have improved, but my novel remained a nightmare, mainly because of the many fonts involved. You will see what I mean when you read the book.
The typesetting for this novel into an ebook has been the biggest challenge. Normally I do not get involved in the formatting of a manuscript for the printers and the ebooks, but this time I had to. Due to the intricate language and headings, I needed to use different fonts. We uploaded the ebook file several times.

We both feel that the Kindle version is the best example of the printed book. No matter what size or text the novel was originally typeset in, the formatting at Smash words becomes a whole new ball-game. I'm glad It's now all done.
Tomorrow on my birthday I'm taking the whole day off away from the office followed by a relaxing weekend.
Tomorrow is the 18th The novel is now a birthday gift from me to all my online family and friends. Happy reading.

The graphic image from where I derived my book cover from, is published on several print and demand shops. Redbubble, Society6, Zazzle, and Merch by Amazon to name a few.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Free ebook download on the 18th of May. Keep watching for the link from our www.kimabooks.com website or from the blog https://allrealityshifters.wordpress.com/

Excerpts from "The Reality Shifters"

(A dialogue between Ingrid and Hans)
“Gee, what happened? Hans, how did you do that?”
    “I projected a magnetic thought image so you could...feel and see and experience a mental transmission of a different kind.” Hans’ big grin observed her wide-eyed bewilderment. Her whole body shook from the revelation.
    “That was amazing and I now get it, humans have to sort of pass a qualifying test...if you are light...I mean if one’s frequency is light enough you can visit your world.”
     “Correct. Ingrid our mental universe consists of different thinking layers; the level of thinking you tune into determines the type of reality you experience ... The Soul urges the human to translate its experiences of the sensory realm ... We must be honest with ourselves to see things clearly and objectively so that we can become reality shifters.”
marketing excerpts 1

Excerpts from "The Reality Shifters"

 (A dialogue from POWAH on Ingrid's computer screen)
A bright screen with text appeared saying:
    "Hello, Ingrid. You know that there is no separation between your world and the many dimensions around you"
Ingrid's back went rigid! Piet suddenly stood behind her! She thought everybody had already gone!…
The screen was still alight with POWAH’s writing yet Piet did not comment at all. He just looked at her screen.
    “Ingrid, I must look in your address book, I'm offline at the moment,"
The annoyance his body language revealed nauseated her. Why not look on his own computer another time if he was so angry with her? Or was he looking for something she might be hiding on her computer? Piet was approaching fifty but looked older. He had a small, thin-lipped, sulky mouth and wispy hair clinging to a bald forehead. The flesh of his face was washed-out and soft. His eyes were hooded, expressing a chronic resentment towards the world. She wondered whether he saw the words at all.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Living during our Awakeing Times

Long ago in 1995 I was totally inspired by authors like Virginia Essene and Sheldon Nidle and today my thoughts are still focused on creating a new paradigm of unconditional love, harmony, and light consciousness.
The intent behind my novels are that through fiction I want to explore and discover how we all, as human beings, can create and manifest the realities we want to experience. How to awaking from our illusory reality that we perceive for being real. Could we awaken from our ‘dream’ and no longer mistake it for reality? This first chapter on a novel ( free to read online) won me a writers award, but what about the rest of the Jaarsma Clan. Are they any closer to the truth today? https://theawakeningclan.wordpress.com/
Those are the deeper questions that the characters in my novels deal with, but in order to tell a story, to write a script, I needed a plot. This plot became the adventures of the Jaarsma Clan.
Today I'm almost finished the novel: Reality Shifters where the same characters are now far closer to the real truth as ever before.

Who are the Reality Shifters?

Yes we all know that we live through reality shifting times So what is required of each and every one of us? We are the Reality Shifters. Imagine a New World; a reality where there are no wars, no illness, pain or any kind of suffering. The only aim for every inhabitant in this new world is to evolve into highly skilled star or space traveler. It's my passion to share these new world ideas through storytelling.

The Human Race is Awakening

Become Aware of Hidden Truths

Six opportunities for people to find their passion to make a difference.

Where our mind goes our physical reality will manifests itself. That is the passion of each human Soul that wants to ascend towards a new reality. Thanks for reading my post
Nadine May

Monday, November 20, 2017

A Healthier Tomorrow Starts Today...

When I saw the article 'How Diatomaceous Earth Works' on Facebook I was immediately drawn to investigate this miracle cure. I had never heard of this white power substance.

Here are two links to back up the article below.
When Diatomaceous Earth is taken into the body it starts working in 3 different ways:
As it moves through the stomach and digestive tract, it attracts and absorbs bacteria, fungi, protozoa, viruses, endotoxins, pesticide and drug residues, E-Coli, and heavy metals. These toxins are trapped and passed out of the body. In addition, any larger parasites that happen to be in the stomach or digestive tract are killed by the D.E. All of these activities result in a much healthier body with less sickness. We often hear the phrase “I just feel better” with our DE users. This better feeling comes from all the “junk” being removed from the body and by giving our immune system the “jump start” it needs.
Diatomaceous Earth is very hard. On the hardness scale where diamonds are a 9, DE is a 7. This is very important because as those millions of tiny hard and sharp DE cylinders pass through the small and large intestines, they “scrub” the walls. After only a few months of taking DE, the intestine wall is no longer coated with mucus and molds but CLEAN!! The advantages of this are:
1. Regular bowel movements (This is the #1 comment everyone makes about DE)
2. Healthier Colon. This is especially important as we get older. A clean healthy colon keeps away polyps, cancers, and ulcers. Today, many are spending thousands of dollars to get colonics to do the same thing as DE does. Many users report increased energy and needing less sleep. This is a result of all the food and nutrients that are taken in being better absorbed into the blood stream. With a coated colon–many nutrients never get absorbed.
A small amount of Diatomaceous Earth gets absorbed into the blood stream as silica. One of the benefits of Silica is that it helps to destroy bad fats. Everyone that we know that is taking DE has lowered their cholesterol by 40-50 points. Everyone is also amazed at how their high blood pressure goes down.
The benefits of silica are many. In today’s grains, there is actually a shortage of silica. Years ago, the silica found in our foodstuffs was adequate, but with today’s hybrids and depleted soils, only about 1/3 of the silica needed is supplied in our food. DE is a simple and inexpensive way to get the silica your body needs.

The intake of silica through DE can help you in many ways:
1. Lower High Blood Pressure!
2. Lower High Cholesterol! –
Most are reporting 40-60 points lower after only 2 weeks on DE.
3. Sore joints feeling better –
Osteoporosis is a symptom of the aging process. As calcium in our body system depletes, our bones become brittle and weak. Taking only a calcium supplement cannot correct or stop this threatening and crippling disease because the body cannot assimilate and make use of the calcium without the presence of silica. Evidence suggests that, instead of affecting healing, supplemental mineral calcium, on the contrary, accelerates the leaching away of bone calcium and thus hastens the degenerative process of osteoporosis and similar diseases that affect the supportive and connective tissues in the human body. For osteoporosis, silica can stop the pain and even restore the bodies’ self repair process. Silica is responsible for the depositing of minerals into the bones, especially calcium. It speeds up the healing of fractures and also reduces scarring at the site of a fracture. Even when calcium is insufficient, the body can turn silica into calcium that the bones need.
4. Healthier skin –
Overseas, DE is used extensively as a health and beauty product for hair, skin, nails, bones, and joints. Tissue degeneration accelerates due to aging when connective tissue develops an increasing inability to retain moisture when left unassisted. Silica can help slow the degenerative process of connective tissue. With silica, vitality and life, which are often lost as the years accumulate, can be naturally maintained or even restored to your skin. Collagen, largely made up of silica, is the glue that holds us together. If our body has enough silica, the collagen will make us look younger. Silica helps with skin problems and injuries including itching, rashes, abscesses, boils, acne, calluses, warts, eczemas, burns, frostbite, benign skin sores, insect bites and bed sores. If you regularly follow a silica regimen, your skin will keep its young look.
5. Hair That Grows! –
Hair is nature’s greatest beauty enhancer. Hair deserves to be pampered. Hair at 90 micrograms per gram is almost as rich in silica as are healthy bones, which contain 100 micrograms per gram. Silica is a major component of hair. Using a good silica supplement (such as DE) should be part of your ongoing hair care program for revitalizing hair. Silica helps to prevent baldness, stimulates healthier hair growth and assures beautiful shine, luster and strength.
6. Teeth and Gums!
– Hardening the enamel, silica prevents cavities and preserves teeth. Silica also prevents bleeding gums, gum atrophy, and recession that causes the loosening of teeth, which could ultimately lead to tooth loss. Silica effectively fights ulceration and the decay of bones and teeth and also lessens inflammation.
7. Toughens nails –
Your nail plates are complex protein structures that grow four to five millimeters per month on average. With silica supplementation, fragile nails become normal within a short period of time. Silica will beautify the appearance of your nails and improve their hardness, making them shinier and less prone to breaking.

Dosage: Take 1-2 tablespoons per day mixed with some kind of liquid or food. There is no unpleasant taste. Since it will not dissolve, stirring several times while drinking will prevent settling. Some have experienced higher energy levels, so it is probably better not to take it right before sleeping. No worry about getting too much–any excess silica not needed by the body is automatically eliminated through the blood stream, kidneys, and intestines.

     More Benefits!

  • Silica lowers bad cholesterol and raises well.
  • Silica fades age spots.
  • Silica stimulates metabolism for higher energy levels. DE has a negative charge and bacteria have a positive charge. It is believed that it sweeps bacteria out of the body by trapping it in its honeycomb shaped skeletal form.
  • Silica supplementation helps repair and maintain vital lung tissues and protects them from pollution. By maintaining or restoring the elasticity of lung tissues, silica reduces inflammation in bronchitis. It acts as a cough decreasing agent. 
  • Silica tones the upper respiratory tract (nose, pharynx, larynx) and reduces swelling because of its positive action on the lymphatic system.
  • Silica supplementation keeps menopause free of stress and helps to prevent many unwanted side-effects. Cancer can not survive in cells that have the correct levels of Silica.
  • Silica works with other antioxidants to prevent premature aging and to preserve youthfulness.
  • Silica can help prevent kidney stones and heal infections of the urinary tract. It is a natural diuretic which can increase excretion of urine by 30 percent, thus flushing the water-excreting system and restoring normal function to these vital organs. 
  • The presence of sufficient silica in the intestines will reduce inflammation of the intestinal tract. It can cause disinfection in the case of stomach and intestinal mucus and ulcers. Silica can prevent or clear up diarrhea and its opposite, constipation.
  • Silica will help normalize hemorrhoidal tissues. In regulating and normalizing the bowels, silica has a pleasant side effect; it can alleviate lower back pain, which often troubles the elderly.
  • Silica proves effective with female discharge, abscesses, and ulcers in the genital area and cervix, as well as mastitis (especially for breastfeeding mothers).
  • The intake of silica acts as a supportive treatment for inflammation of the middle ear. Because of the beneficial effects of the lymphatic system, silica can be used for swelling of the lymph nodes in the throat. Has anti-inflammatory disinfecting, absorbing and odor binding effects.
  • Silica can normalize circulation and regulate high blood pressure (hypertension).
  • Silica can decrease vertigo, headache, tinnitus (buzzing in the ears) and insomnia.
  • Silica can help diabetes by promoting synthesis of elastase inhibitor by the pancreas.
  • Silica can help arterial disease by strengthening the blood vessels. Studies confirm that with age, silica disappears from the aorta, the heart’s key blood vessel thus weakening its critical connective tissue and resulting in a greater cardiac risk.
  • Silica can help prevent Tuberculosis.
  • By improving the elasticity of the joints, silica helps rheumatism.
  • Silica has inhibitory effects on coronary diseases.
  • Silica can help avoiding or alleviating Alzheimer's disease by preventing the body from absorbing aluminum and may flush out aluminum from the tissues. Silica can stimulate the immune system.
Tomorrow I will start taking this every morning with my already jug of ozonated water.
Nadine May

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Aug 2017 eclipse bringing artifical insectoid intelligence

This guy in this video, while driving his car is truly giving a very profound message, even for people like me who have been researching lots of what he is talking about for the last forty years: about Artificial intelligence in whatever form that comes.
I've connected with several people who have experienced being (contacted!)

What I do is take the information what resonates with me and ignore the rest, since some of that info can come from that person's own higher self. We all can do the same, or we read spiritual books. The real truth is often hiding or cleverly buried especially in all the religious scriptures known to us.

Being a follower of any guru, preacher or channeler is NEVER advisable!

(Man can transform itself into anything he pleases.)
We are divine spirits having an opportunity to fully awaken to our true Soul purpose. Only our own Higher self ( the part of our soul that is not incarnated, can guide us.) our intuition is the only link we all need to work with.