Sunday, April 26, 2020

What We Can Imagine We Can Make Real

I so loved hearing those two women talking about what it means to build a new world and how Magenta Pixie shares how some of us have been triggered by the word "pandemic" as our awakening code. Yes, that is truly been mine experience. I have now at this moment a strong need to awaken people during these times. I've written about it for years. What we can imagine we can make real!

Trump the Destroyer

Bruce Lipton has such an interesting take on Trump. The destroyer. Never looked at it that way but yes it makes a lot of sense.

Conspiracy Theories vs Common Sense

Interesting that Hubpages filed this article under the 'conspiracy theories' section. When I (on rare occasions) switch on the BBC, SA or some other major TV channels I can get, all they are regurgitating are conspiracy theories. I'm just stating what for me falls under "common sense".
I write this article just before we went on lock-down in SA.
It took me some time to create the many images for it.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Monday, April 6, 2020

Top Doctor EXPOSES EVERYTHING The Deep State Is Trying To Hide About CV

Misinformation vs Disinformation

What's the difference?
Disinformation is a deliberate intent to spread information known to be fake!
Misinformation can be a result of disinformation. It refers to inaccurate information or content that is unintentionally promoted or shared.

 These days our technology can make up many stories that seem very real. trusted well-known people who claim they have done their research, or they got their information from a trusted source. Who knows what is real and what id fiction these days.

All I've learned over the years through writing visionary fiction, that is that fiction is often truer than facts.
Think about the famous find the 10 missing elements in line drawings. Once you found all 10, you could not see them.

Once you know the truth of what is real and what is projected from the united mind field of the human population, you can always see through all the two different kinds of untruth. You only have to listen to your intuition, and that little voice will tell you, it's not true.

Social Programming
Our media all over the world is manipulating the human population.

 They have been "told" to spread FEAR as much as they can. At least that is clear to me. It becomes a standard business to spread and take viral the most shoddy reporting. I cannot find any news channel reliable when they ONLY report negative stories. Never anything about natural health or allowing other doctors and scientists to share their knowledge.

Why NOT? The reasons are that it's not their narrative!

Please listen to this video. This doctor makes so much sense.
Are people not waking up by questioning this spreading of fear?

Why not also download the FREE Language of Light PDF Doodle journal on the Base Chakra with full explanations why it's important to activate our Soul Qualities by drawing - doodling out your symbols derived from your thoughts and feelings.
By clicking on the link below

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

"The Event" Is Happening Now - The Galactic plan to rescue planet Earth

Through my blog "The End of Times" and this blog I have shared far more posts from other "light workers" but now during this lock-down I've been activated so to speak.
 During the seventies, I had my first awakening experience through a kind of visitation. I was very shaken by this event early one morning, written about through my blogs and writings. Some I have shared through writing visionary fiction.
My fully grounding personality (being Dutch) brought up in a Christian family could not relate to the imagery I was shown over periods of years through dreams, so I translated those as being from my active fantasy mind. (my own father always said I had one so that stayed with me for many years) During the last thirty+ years I read everything on topics related to the visions I was shown so long ago.
Gradually I met and came in contact with like minded people. When the internet came to South Africa I linked with some of them and groups. My awakening became more and more stable and I started my journey during the last twenty years, by creating a reality that supported me in my ascension journey.
 The video "The Event" I'm now sharing is more or less what David Wilkock and David Icke ( to mention two very well know people I have known from 1995.)
You will be in for a treat. Siman is explaining is his very clear way what is happening today and why. Please listen...allowing yourself getting use to what some might still feel is a "bliss-bunny" explanation. I do not think human beings will be saved, unless they work on themselves! Unless they let unconditional love enter int their hearts. Use your free will to expose yourself to what he shares. Love to all.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

2020 (22) is a power number!

I will share the visions I never understood so many years ago...I was around 35 when that one time vision happened and when this photo was taken. ( written about in book 2 of the Self Employed housewife.)
Now I understand a lot more what the visions of a futuristic world might be like and why I had to use 22 chapters and 22 tablet excepts from POWAH within my novels. This was the message that would start to become a reality from the year 2022. ( my novels were ahead of their times.)
Due to my research and what is happening today, I've interpreted my one-time visions below. It's not a prediction, just a summing up of having had a glimpse into a kind of looking glass!
Each image of me at 35 with my publications is like an awaking stage over 37 years.

(1) 2020 will be the start of our 3D reality where magnetic power will gradually take over. ( no idea how but I'm no scientist) the book by Carl van Vlierden titled: the 12 Planets Speak talks about invisible magnetic fields and the Q groups on Earth!)
(2) No more pharmaceutical drugs will be allowed, instead, new devices with great healing properties will replace all equipment in hospitals and clinics.No more illnesses.( What we can imagine we can make real)
(3) All our electric appliances and electronics will be replaced and will run unlimited on magnetic power. ( no more electricity bills)
(4) Air travel, or travelling in space will open humanity to many possibilities only dreamed of.
( 5) No more banking systems that we know of today will exist. ( I wrote in my novels about community living where peoples skills and talents are the currencies.)
(6) Our psychic abilities will gradually re-awaken, starting in many who experience a telepathic interaction ( written about in my novels)

6) Before this will come to pass, the Light will expose the darkness within us all, (not only the very dark people that are, and will be exposed.)
(7) Many disclosures will be traumatic emotionally, but there is light at the end of our illusionary reality tunnel. We are in for a very bumpy ride!
 Have a great 2020
Nadine May