Thursday, March 26, 2015

Evidence That the Human Body is a Projection of Consciousness | Humans Are Free

Evidence That the Human Body is a Projection of Consciousness | Humans Are Free

 The characters of my novels all awaken to this truth, that is why my story telling genre falls under visionary fiction.Fiction is often more true than fact

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Notes from a Cape Town Botanist: Out of the ashes: Notes on the March 2015 Cape Tow...

Notes from a Cape Town Botanist: Out of the ashes: Notes on the March 2015 Cape Tow...: Fire: Life-giving force of the Fynbos in South Africa's Cape Floristic Region In the Mother City the mountains are ablaze. It is l...

Monday, February 17, 2014

Can our imagination skills set us free?

When I wrote that article - Can our imagination skills set us free? I wrote it with the following intent in mind.
is our world fiction

Free from What?

Some might ask themselves.

What does it really mean to be Free?
Knowing the answers to the following questions:

Or by reading about the Hidden Histories of Planet Earth, would that trigger a genetic memory within me that will awaken me to my own FREEDOM?
My answer would be YES!
Many of us today are exploring life and concepts and would like some answers to the above question.  Having an open mind is our first requirement if we go exploring the internet today, but its an altogether mind boggling journey. All of us must be discerning at all times whatever we read in the internet, in books or what we learn from others.
That is what I try to do with my articles and my Visionary fiction novels. My intent is trigger an awakening, first in myself by writing the article, (and the novels) and secondly to trigger a soul awakening in others.

The following intent in mind is that:
I believe that we all individually have a piece of the puzzle hidden in our subconscious (about truth), and by adding our puzzle piece in the form of a comment below the very article we read, the next reader of that article might get an "A Ha" after they read the comments... That is how we each will awaken to our own understanding of freedom.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

How do the Hidden Histories of Planet Earth Effect us today?

For the last few days I have done some article writing for my two main writing sites. These articles are the results of my research for my novel titled: Parallel Realities that I'm writing at the moment. Lets start at the beginning and find out about:

The Hidden Histories of Planet Earth

The Terra papers

When I heard for the first time, in 1990 that humans were genetically created by an alien race during a weekend workshop with Marietjie Venter , it took me some time to digest this all.
Today the research for my fifth novel ; Parallel RealitiesTulanda’s journal, has finally brought me back  to 1974, when I was introduced for the first time to the idea that there are Parallel Universes. In the following article I share what I've discovered so far...

Are there any Parallel Worlds & Realities?

For many years I have looked for proof about what I was then told to write under the Visionary fiction   topic. My research took me on a fantastic journey, while learning about...

The LEMURIAN and ATLANTIAN Civilizations

with more information on the Root Races.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Our Economy Meltdown, true or false?

The new year has truly brought some videos out of the woodwork due to the prophecies coming up for fulfillment. When you watch this movie it's very alarming, but how real is the world we live in?  By that I mean if humanity is creating (as a united global consciousness energy field) the physical reality we individually experience, should we then as individuals give this prophecy any power? When you watch the video keep your energy field closed. I have looked at the video but my vision for our world, our reality is nothing like the video expresses.

Now that you have seen this video, I thought that the text that states: the real end of the world will occur around the 4th of March this year is ridiculous.
This video was publish in 2012. Is this disinformation?
From the time we were born, we came to a conclusion about who we were by how the people in our life treated us, and the things that happened to us on a daily basis. With the often erroneous interpretations we made about our life through our limited consciousness, we developed a sense of identity that is based in low self-esteem, unworthiness, and failure consciousness. That distorted belief about who we are was recorded in our etheric records and our subconscious mind and has influenced every facet of our existence to this very day. No matter how hard we try to improve our life, it is impossible for us to transform our life into what we want it to be while holding those erroneous beliefs, actually lies, about ourselves.

The following video is about someone who I can relate to. Many of us are holding the vision of a world where everybody has been given the opportunity to enjoy abundance in every way in a world where money is no more! What would a Money-less society be like? 

I doubt that the powers that be will take any notice! They are not interested in truth because they are based on power lies and deception. But we all need to do something.  I prefer to see the positive here. We all need to hold a united vision. A new paradigm is needed something new and unless consciousness is transformed nothing changes. People from Italy, South Africa, Brazil, Ireland, Belgium, the UK, Mexico, Norway, Egypt, The Philippines, Turkey, Romania, Sweden, New Zealand, Poland, India, Bulgaria, Switzerland, France, Slovakia, Malaysia, Hungary, Japan, Greece, Colombia, Germany, Croatia, the Netherlands, the USA, Australia, Canada, Portugal and more have already signed and shared the petition to “The World’s Leaders: Tell Us the Truth in 2014“.
May the visions you hold dear for our planet and everyone on it be a prosperous one for all.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Are we living through the End of Times?

Many websites say so. What we see daily on our Television might also reflect that idea. Could it be that we are indeed shifting towards a new kind of reality because of Cyberspace?
Through our access to the Internet a different reality has emerged for all of us We can now make virtual friends from all over the planet. Our capacity to earn (if you have access to the internet)  has also become a global possibility. The following articles will show you how our world is changing and how each of us have to adapt to these changes. This can be a positive shift for many.

I'm a self taught digital artist, having been a part time oil painter several years.  I do all our Kima Global Publishers' book covers, posters and banners, but in my own time I write articles. It's my personal experience that humanity is making great strides spiritually, mostly with the help in the internet. This virtual cyberspace platform has linked us all.  For that I'm very grateful.